Friday, November 04, 2005

Awaken From Sleep

“Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour to awaken from sleep; for now, salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.” - Romans 13:11

Christ always said that the thing he hated the most was a “lukewarm” Christian. A person that had the gift that Christ gave to us and did little to nothing with it. Wake up people. You are not put on this earth to be an engineer, an accountant, a file clerk, a designer, whatever. We are here to worship our Creator and to share the love He has for us with others.

I recently traveled to visit a job site just outside of NYC. I decided to drive from Northern Virginia as opposed to taking the train or flying. I usually drive to visit projects in North Jersey because with all the waiting at the airport or driving down to the train station makes it take just as long, if not longer and then I don’t have to worry about leaving at any particular time. The drive allows me to think, and I spent a lot of the time trying to think about what subject to post my first blog about. After passing town after town through MD, PA, and NJ the thought came to me to discuss the smallness of the individual but the clearly defined purpose that each of us has. Just a small topic, huh? This topic and any subsequent discussion could go on forever, but I only plan to discuss the beginning of this concept.

As a structural engineer that designs buildings all over the place, I think it would be easy to fall into the idea that my purpose in life is to design buildings that remain structurally stable for thousands of people to live, work and play in. But then, as I pass town after town and building after building it is easy to see that if I did not design the buildings that I do, there would be someone else to do the job. Understanding this allows me to make an easy transition from my white collar world to my faith and knowing that God has a plan for each of us. In my workplace, there would be someone else to fill my shoes were I not there, but that person may not have the capacity to make the difference of whether or not that co-worker makes a decision between heaven and hell.

Sharing our faith can oftentimes be hard and uncomfortable, but the first step in making it come easier to us is an understanding what our main purpose in life is. My hope is that through posting on this website I can help someone find that purpose and make a decision for Christ to be the center of their lives. If one life is changed, than it is all worth it. My other desire is to inspire other Christians to awaken from their sleep and help spread the Word.